977-1-4721587 irhdtc@gmail.com


  • To execute necessary research and investigation on public health and development and provide technical assistance to Government, Donor Communities, NGOs and CBOs.
  • To operate and implement programs contributing to the development of the maternal and child health, family planning service, vaccination service, population education service, nutrition service and promotion, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases (Emphasis on HIV/AIDS, Japanese Encephalitis and Malaria), child labor and poverty alleviation.
  • To deliver various level training programs in the field of public health and development.
  • To provide consultancy service on the management and operation of plan on public health and development related programs.
  • To operate programs pertaining to community health analysis, participation and health development, and provide consultancy service.
  • To produce materials for print and electronic media such as posters, pamphlets, charts and books; radio drama, TV commercials etc.
  • To hold various symposia, seminars, and workshop on public health and development trend and assessment.
  • To enhance public awareness by providing consultancy service on the prevention and control of various kinds of communicable diseases.
  • To exchange public health and development related information by providing information to individuals and organizations through the use of Information Communication Technology.